4 Books All Small Business Owners Should Read

Oct 5th, 2018

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur about to launch your own company? If so, you’ve probably studied up and heeded the wisdom of many mentors, but you can never be too prepared. Each year, more and more books come to market with up-to-date tips and trends on how to best succeed. It’s no surprise that running a small business can be a challenge – according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of small businesses fail within their first year of operation. How can you avoid being part of that 1/5?

Having a clear business plan, the right team on board, and enough funding to help you through your first year are imperative to your success. However, there are a slew of other mistakes that can arise, and being overly-prepared is your best bet to avoid making them. Below, we’ve outlined 4 books that all small business owners should read before they open their doors. Pick up a copy or download to your Kindle via the links below!

1. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

Author Michael E. Gerber’s title says it all – this book provides the reader with insight on how to successfully grow your businesses from start to finish. Gerber emphasizes the systems you need to put in place to succeed, and why those systems are most important for growing your business beyond entrepreneurial infancy.

2. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You

All great companies have a great leader at the helm. What can you do to become a leader that your employees will trust and give their all to? Author John C. Maxwell’s book is tried and true in helping small business owners achieve their most in-command self.

3. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

Taking a look at 18 long-lasting companies, authors Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras share everything there is to know about how to build a company to last. Why did companies like Walt Disney and General Electric do differently than their rivals? This book takes a close look at tons of examples and evidence that will help you build the right foundation for your business.

4. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful

How can you do your job better? Marshall Goldsmith, author and executive coach, outlines what you can do to “eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go.” Exploring different personality types and the habits that might be bringing you down, Goldsmith explores how you can shift the way you operate to success in your business.

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