3 Tips for Conducting a Great Video Interview

Oct 12th, 2018

With the world as connected as it is, it’s no surprise that video interviews are becoming increasingly more important in many company’s interview strategies. Phone interviews are still a great way to screen candidates initially, but adding a video component can help provide more insight into who you’re interviewing and if they’re the best fit for the job. However, conducting a successful video interview is itself an art. Here are a few tips to help you ensure you’re hosting the perfect video interview.

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1. Avoid boring questions

You’re never going to get the true personality out of a candidate unless you ask engaging and though-provoking questions. Using an open-ended question format will allow the interviewee to get creative in their answers, tell a story, and show you how they think and move. By seeing the way they take the time to think of their answers and the way they engage with their story, you can learn a lot about them.

2. Get rid of all distractions

The last thing you want to happen during your video interview is for your Slack notifications to start popping up, or your cell phone to start ringing. Give the candidate your full attention – unlike being on the phone, they’re going to be looking you straight in the eye and expecting you to engage with them just as much as they’re engaging with you. Ensure you put away and turn off all potential distractions so you can make the most of your time with the candidate.

3. Be personable

Smiling and eye-contact are important. As much as the scenario is you interviewing them, you also want to put off a great first impression and make sure the interviewee gets a good feel for you and your company. Ask a few icebreaker questions to make them feel comfortable and relaxed. The video interview can often feel awkward, so it’s your job to ensure the candidate is able to loosen up and provide you with all you need to know.

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