#WednesdayWisdom: How to Practice Disruptive Thinking

May 23rd, 2018

“When it comes to innovation, an ounce of execution is worth more than a ton of theory.” -Phil McKinney

All great disruptors started with an idea that changed the face of their industries. Sara Blakely, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos – for many, what was once a just an idea blossomed into a game-changing notion that disrupted the status quo, bringing with it a wave of innovation, excitement, and ultimately, success.

As an entrepreneur, you have many ideas on how to make your business succeed. But how you build and execute your plans is imperative; your process must include many elements that work in tandem with your ideas. Below, we’ve outlined a few ways for you to put those ground-breaking ideas into action and leverage your leadership powers along the way.

Hone in on your idea

You probably hear the team ‘disruptive thinking’ before, but what does it really mean? The best way to understand it is to study those who have perfected it – people like the ones we mentioned above who thought outside the box in a nonconventional way, bringing innovation to their respective fields with perseverance and dedication.

AirBNB was founded by 3 former roommates who decided to rent their apartment out as a mini bed and breakfast. Today, they’re giving the hotel industry a run for their money by operating in 192 countries around the world. Uber started as a way to disrupt the taxi industry by offering a convenient and easy to use app for those needing a ride around town. Girls Who Code was founded by a woman who noticed a lack of girls in computer science classrooms. Today, they have reached more than 90,000 girls in all 50 states.

Each of these ideas were built with a passion and drive to change things for the better. When working through your business model, hone in on your true passion and ensure your product or company is meaningful to you and your community. Carrying that burning desire with you throughout your days will help you find the success you desire.

Build your dream team

Who is the Steve Wozniak to your Steve Jobs? For most, a collaborative team that can help you bring your ideas to life is vital to your company’s success. Partnerships are crucial for a variety of reasons. Bouncing your ideas off of another will help you identify and fill in potential cracks in your plan. Plus, while you may think you can do it all, a team can help you learn to delegate. Say you’re the big picture person – you’re going to need a team who can help you organize and execute your idea’s details. Ensure that you bring people on board who you trust, and who will help lift you and your ideas up throughout your journey.

Embrace failure

Almost any major disruptive thinkers will tell you about the time they failed. As an entrepreneur, you have to not be afraid to fail. Everyone makes mistakes, and often failure is the best way for us to learn. When bringing your ideas to life, embrace the mistakes and learn to pivot when necessary. If it wasn’t working one way, all that means is that you have to try it another. In the wise words of Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never give up!”

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