Unmatched Technology — HireBLISS is powered by our custom applicant tracking system, job board APIs & job alert email service.
We were born from recruiting and our experts in candidate acquisition know how to optimize your job posting, source hard to find talent, filter unqualifed candidates, and shatter the status quo.
There really is no limit. Like recruiters, our technology gives us access to millions of resumes and the ability to post to all of the job boards.
Your job posting will appear on sites like ZipRecruiter, Monster, Jobs2Careers, Dice & More.
We do all of the leg work and digging, you finish with interviewing and hiring.
It’s unlikely, but after 30 days, if you you are not happy with the results. We’ll give you your money back.
We want to learn aout your company, your culture and the job you are hiring for. The more information we get, the better job description we can create.
This a crucial step. We want your job to be visibile to as many eyes as possible — so we work hard to find keywords job seekers are looking for; with 10 years of data – we’re pretty good at it. Not to mention — Google Jobs.
Your job hits the job boards, email, and our Talent Acquisition Strategies start scouring resume databases seeking that perfect fit candidate.
Your Talent Aquisition Strategist reviews each application and applies an overall score based on your requirements. This process is 100% transparent and you still have the option to review all applicants (if you desire).
You have a shortlist of amazing candidates. Time to Interview & Hire. The ball is in your court now — but let us know if we can support.