Finding a Job During Coronavirus Global Pandemic

Oct 28th, 2020

Finding a job during a global pandemic and record unemployment is something none of us have dealt with in our lifetime. At CareerBliss, we know how hard job hunting is in a “normal” year, let alone 2020. We sat down with our career experts to share their advice on finding a job in 2020 and 2021.

“Use the resources at hand to find as much information as you can about hiring opportunities every single day,” says Co-Founder and CEO Heidi Golledge of CareerBliss.

Communities like CareerBliss support jobseekers and help encourage small businesses to hire with free job posting and resources such as company reviews and salary guides.

“I often like to say job hunting is laid out in the three R’s, Research, Resume and Referral,” says Brad Brummel, Professor of Workplace Psychology at the University of Tulsa.

Each of these elements can be imperative. Researching the market, which companies are hiring is more important than ever before. Refining or refreshing your resume to ensure you have the most up-to-date skillset listed as well as any progress achieved at your current or last position is vital. The term referral can also be synonymous with network – look at your network; who is hiring? How can they get you to speak with the right hiring manager? All of these can help in your job search.

9 Job Search Tips During COVID-19 Pandemic

In addition, CareerBliss put together ten things to consider when looking for a job in this economy.

  1. Refresh your resume
  2. Network – socially-distanced
  3. Maximize LinkedIn
  4. Be your own publisher
  5. Search key job boards
  6. Research companies hiring
  7. Conduct informational interviews
  8. Take online courses to improve and hone your skills (or learn a new one)
  9. Master the Zoom/Video Interview

1. Refresh Your Resume

Ensure your resume is up-to-date and formatted to be searchable in an applicant tracking systems.  Update your resume here: Cover Letter & Resume Guide from CareerBliss Career Experts

2. Network

Work your network. More than ever we are connected digitally and through social media. Reach out to your contacts, connect with them and genuinely find out how they are doing?

Give before you ask. How can you help them in their career path? These types of genuine connections yield fruitful introductions to key players. At the end of the day remember, your network is your most important ally.

3. LinkedIn

Did you know you can not only look for jobs on LinkedIn, but establish yourself as a brand and thought-leader? LinkedIn allows you to post content and articles around your industry, vertical or particular job interest. Connect, but also share information and build a community of followers to help grow your personal brand. LinkedIn is one of the number one platforms hiring managers look to when reviewing candidates. Ensure your profile is in top shape.

4. Publish

Whether you create content on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter – publishing your professional story can be a strong way to tell your story and standout from other candidates vying for the same job.

5. Job Boards

The amount of resources for jobseekers is at an all-time high there are hundreds of job sites that help keep you informed on who is hiring. CareerBliss is just one of them where you can find millions of open jobs at your fingertips. But don’t stop there sign-up for job alerts from multiple boards and make sure you are checking new jobs posted frequently to send your resume to the hiring manager.

6. Research

Amazon is set to hire thousands in 2021 – knowing which companies are hiring can help you streamline your job search to those companies to ensure you are not spending time on companies with no active roles, or companies that are no longer in business.

Related – Top Companies Hiring Despite COVID 19

7. Informational Interviews

What is an Informational Interview?

An informational interview is a fact-finding mission – not a time to ask for a job. And, unlike a job interview, it’s your chance to ask most of the questions.

When conducting your informational interview, focus on:

Gather information: The primary goal of your informational interview is to gain greater insight into a particular industry, position or company (or all three!) as they pertain to your career. When the interview is over, you should have an idea of whether that industry or job is something you want to pursue. Of course, making an ultimate career choice may require more info gathering.

Focus your questions on the person you’re interviewing …

  • How did you get into this type of work?
  • What was your path to get to where you are now?
  • What are things you have found gratifying about this work?
  • What is challenging or frustrating?
  • What type of person does well in this line of work?

8. Take an Online Course

Education is everywhere, the masterclass is the new university. More than ever, candidates can learn new skills, refine old skills and even pivot careers.

9. Master the Video Interview

 Video interviews are the sole way interviews are conducted during COVID.  Whether you’re the type that feels 100% camera ready, or you shudder at the very idea of a video interview, we’ve got some tips to help you nail it!

Related – How to Master Video Interviews – Guide

Set the stage

The last thing you want is for your interviewer to be distracted by odd things going on behind you. Aim to have the attention completely focused on you, and you alone. It’s best not to post up in front of your old Pink Floyd poster, a really bring window, or a messy living room. Instead, choose a clean, basic, and office-like background that appears professional and cheerful.

Maintain eye contact

While you may be dying to fidget, look around the room, or do basically anything you can to avoid looking straight at your interviewer, don’t! The best way to show that you are totally confident and focused is to maintain eye contact. To help, make sure you have the video call on full screen, and ensure that your screen is at your eye level, instead of having to look down at the camera.

Dress the part

Resist the urge to go pantless! Sure, your interviewer may not see your whole body, but it’s best to dress as if you were going into an in-person interview. This way, you feel as prepared and professional as possible. Your appearance is important, so be sure to dress the part.

Prep your tech

The absolute last thing you want is to lose your connection mid-interview! Check your camera and your microphone, maybe even do a test run with a friend just before the call. Do everything you can think of to ensure you’re tech is set: make sure your computer is charged, your wifi is up and running, and that your Slack, iMessage and any other notifications you receive on your desktop are turned off.

Breathe, and relax!

If you choose to follow any of the advice, let it be this: remember to breathe, and relax! You’ve made it this far, all you have to do is continue to sell yourself, the one they chose to interview in the first place. Before the interview, make sure you prepare to answer any tough questions that might come your way, and take a few minutes to do whatever it is you do to de-stress. Maybe a nice walk around the block is in order, fresh air always helps calm the nerves. Have no fear, you’re going to nail it!

“Searching for a job during COVID can be easier when supported by the right team and resources to help you in your jobsearch,” says Golledge.

The CareerBliss Team

CareerBliss cares about your career happiness. That’s why we offer a variety of great tools and resources to help you make better-informed career decisions. We believe that if you’re happier at work, you’ll be happier in life! Check out company reviewssalary informationcareer advice and, of course, millions of jobs on CareerBliss and choose happy today!

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