4 Key Factors for Workplace Happiness

Mar 29th, 2019

Happy employees are productive workers with greater company loyalty and longevity. And in today’s competitive job market where employees can quickly move into new opportunities, it’s more important than ever to maintain your rockstar staff.

Do you know what your team’s happiness level? And do you know what actually creates the happiest employees?

Have no fear, because we’re about to share some of the key factors we’ve discovered from analyzing thousands and thousands of reviews from real employees across the nation.

Consider this your workplace happiness IQ booster.

Workplace culture

Company culture can make or break employees. In case you ever considered “culture” as a low-ranking, optional element of your company, think again. A Deloitte survey revealed that, “94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success”.

But that’s not all. Employees who feel valued at work and enjoy a cultural fit also tend to articulate greater happiness in the workplace. So build-out a company culture of positivity to reap the reward of a happier team.

Relationship with management/CEO

Managers and CEOs affect employee happiness more than they think. If you haven’t realized the connection to happiness and success, consider this: Tim Ballard, author of Decoding the Workplace, writes, “an effective relationship with your boss increases the likelihood of success in your job.”

So don’t just sit in your office all day. Be accessible to your team and get to know them. Lend an ear to suggestions and ideas for improvements, and share information and tips on how employees can improve performance. Being a good boss is a give and take relationship. Your team can learn from you and likewise, you from them.


One study found that 90% of top-performing firms give their employees raises–many of them to a majority of the employees. And among top-performing companies, 81% gave bonuses—whereas only 74% of companies identified as “average” did so.

The study shows a clear connection between compensation and work, though compensation alone isn’t the sole factor. Bonuses, salary raises and generous benefits/perks packages are indications that a company values its employees. In fact, a survey showed that 86% of top-performing companies attributed their success to their employees.

Growth opportunities

Nothing motivates employees like the opportunity to better themselves so they can achieve their goals and potential. One study found that a majority of global employees reported that a lack of career opportunity would cause them to quit their jobs—and 26% said lack of growth opportunities would send them packing in their job.

Growth opportunities can be anything from the personal growth fueled by appreciation and a good culture in the workplace to the professional growth of improving skills and knowledge. Giving your team members ample opportunities to stretch themselves and become more of who they want to be will benefit both your business and their career and overall employee experience. And that sounds like a recipe for happiness to us.

While the list isn’t exhaustive, these 4 factors play critical roles in fueling employee happiness and, ultimately, career bliss. Read more about the 10 factors for workplace happiness here.

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